Safeguarding and Child Protection
Inverkeithing High School works hard to keep our children and young people safe – all children and young people have a right to feel safe within the setting, home and community.
Within our school we strive to provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment for our children and young people, which promote inclusion and achievement.
All staff are aware of their child protection responsibilities and every year all staff in our setting attend a child protection update. Many of our staff undertake additional multi-agency child protection training.
Every setting has a Child Protection Coordinator who has the responsibility for overseeing child protection concerns as well as those young people who are care experienced within the setting.
The Child Protection Coordinator for Inverkeithing High School is Miss E Clark (Deputy Head Teacher) and the Depute Child Protection Coordinator is Miss N Haddow (Deputy Head Teacher).
What to do if you have a child protection concern?
If you see behaviour that is of concern, or if a young person tells you something worrying, you need to do something about it and speak to someone.
You can speak to a teacher, health visitor, social worker or police officer.
However, if you think a young person has been harmed, telephone the Social Work Contact Centre on 03451 55 15 03, from Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Out-with these hours, please call them on 03451 55 00 99. You can call the police on telephone number 101, 24/7.
If you consider a young person to be in immediate danger, do not wait, call the Police on 999
child protection safeguarding and wellbeing policy update for 2023.pdf
parent carer cp explanation for website email comms secondary school ihs 2023.pdf
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