
Curriculum Pathways

General information


What is the senior phase?


Senior phase leaner journeys


Assessment in the Senior Phase


Post-16 opportunities


S2 into S3 Curriculum pathways


s2 into s3 curriculum pathway choice form v3.pdf



s2 into s3 progression pathway grid 1 .pdf


S3 subject overviews

S3-Subject-Overviews (ID 1034)

























senior phase pathways - subject information

Curriculum Pathways: Biology and Chemistry

curriculum pathways biology and chemistry 2024.pdf

Curriculum Pathways: Creative Arts

curriculum pathways creative arts 2024.pdf

Curriculum Pathways: Health and Wellbeing

curriculum pathways hwb 2024.pdf

Curriculum Pathways: Languages

curriculum pathways languages 2024.pdf

Curriculum Pathways: Maths, Business and Computing

curriculum pathways maths and business computing 2024.pdf

Curriculum Pathways: Physics and DET

curriculum pathways physics and det 2024.pdf

Curriculum Pathways: Social Subjects and RMPS

curriculum pathways social subjects and rmps.pdf

senior phase pathways - supporting documents

national parent forum nutshells pathways 1 .pdf

S3 into s4 curriculum pathways

s3 into s4 curriculum pathway choice form.pdf


s3 into s4 curriculum pathway grid.pdf


s4/5 into s5/6 curriculum pathways

s45 into s56 progression pathway grid.pdf


s45 into s56 curriculum pathway choice form.pdf


school college partnership (SCP) options


s3 into s4 scp choice form.pdf


s45 into s56 scp choice form v2.pdf


0824 scot app parent guide online.pdf